App Development

At OB Desk, we provide smart and robust mobile application development services, primarily for Apple’s iOS, Google’s Android and Microsoft’s Windows Phone. No matter what OS and whatever kind of application you need designed, our skilled developers and UI experts will help you get the very best results.

In the current market, the two mobile platforms of choice are Google's Android and Apple's IOS. It makes sense therefore, to develop your application for one or both of these platforms, if you want to achieve higher market penetration and generate better revenues. Our expert developers have thorough skills and well honed experience in developing customized applications using both Apple's iOS SDK and Google's Android development environment.

If you want to make sure nobody is left out, or want to target other sectors of the market, OB Desk also provides specialized mobile application development services through both J2ME development, as well as, for Blackberry OS and the Windows Mobile platform.

These disciplines require a very different skill set, and we employ developers who possess great understanding of these environments and make sure that your mobile application makes the most of these OSs’.